PHOTO:Kanye West’s epic seven-minute rant. Calling himself ‘Micheal Jackson apparel’keeps Ellen DeGeneres mute for the first time! LOL

During his incredibly emotional and
personal rant, Kanye revealed how he wanted to
‘take away bullying’ by working
with the budget clothes store Payless, how he doesn’t care about being
‘likeable’ and why he has to become the ‘Michael Jackson of apparel’.
It was basically like a
live television version of one of his Twitter tirades.
Kanye was on the show to promote his
new album The Life Of Pablo but was left visibly shaken by his outburst.
‘I have ideas that
can make the human race existence within our 100 years better. Period,’ he
told the audience.
He also admitted that he had called
the CEO of Payless to work with them and offer kids incredibly cheap clothes
which would be designed by Kanye, in the hopes of ‘taking away bullying’.
And then he said: ‘Picasso is dead,
Steve Jobs is dead, Walt Disney is dead, name somebody that you can name in the
same breath as them…’
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