PHOTO: Donald Trump, fires “we are going ahead with the wall, and I will deport 3million illegal immigrants at my first day in office”
After the announcement of the election results that saw “world and
America most hated man” Donald Trump winning, the world saw a different Donald
Trump (so we all thought), when he was giving his acceptance speech.
He mounted the podium gracefully, with smiles and gave a very nice
speech, that kind of gave some people hope, saying maybe he did not meant all
that he said during his election campaigns...but watching and listening to him
on CBS’s 60minutes chat programme, he is still same man! Donald Trump!
The President elect, when asked about his plans for deportation, he
simply said:
"What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and
have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, where a lot of these people,
probably two million, it could be even three million, we are getting them out
of our country or we are going to incarcerate.”
“But we’re getting them out of
our country, they’re here illegally.”
Sensing he was not coming out clear on his plans for these illegal
immigrants, he was asked
about the other nine or 10 million undocumented
immigrants estimated to be in the country.
He said the goal is to "secure our border"
"After the border is secure and after everything gets normalized,
we're going to make a determination on the people that they're talking about
who are terrific people, they're terrific people but we are gonna make a
determination at that," he said.
"But before we make that determination, it's very important we are
going to secure our border."
The interview showed a very pre election Donald Trump, and I am not
surprised he did not get the popular votes from the Americans, and clearly he
lacks the legal knowledge on deportation. We wait to see how he goes about
putting these plans to work, without any hesitation from the citizens or the
purported illegal immigrants...But why is he targeting Mexicans...His wife
might end up being the first American first lady to be deported too! lol
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