PHOTO: See Picture, as Nnamdi Kanu is now seen as 'god' by South Easterners people now troop in and out of Isiama Afara to pay what they referred to as 'tributes' to the one sent by God to save the 'Igbo people' from the hands of the Nigerian Kanu is the 'Messiah'..they have longed waited for...
...aside members leaving their means of livelihood and family members to besiege Isiama Afara to hear what their 'Messiah' Kanu have to say (whose knowledge of history is very poor and limited), they are also made to pay a stipulated fee as members and prospective members who want to be part of the 'movement' before gaining entrance into the small compound...and all expenses for transportation and all other logistics are burn by members...
...though majority of their members see their Biafra movement as a move for secession, which most Nigerians believed it to be...but traveling through Asaba, Onitsha, Owerre, Umuhia and down to Cross River, you can easily tell that the so called 'Biafra' is solely a movement of the entire people of Isiama Afara and some small amount of Abia people....contrally to general believe that the entire Igbo race want to leave Nigeria...for Nnamdi Kanu's Biafra... demonstration or rally out of Isiama Afara since the start of his movement has been successful...only in Isiama Afara...his hometown... not even in the state capital of Umuhia...where there is a stationed Military amoured-carrier....
...aside the last call for a 'stay at home' order...nothing else has worked for Nnamdi Kanu and his what they do now, is more like a religious rally, where members go everyday to make contributions and kiss the foot and fingers of Nnamdi Kanu...while bowing and pledging their allegiance to him...the 'Messiah'
...and living up to his new title of 'Messiah', Nnamdi Kanu now dishes out orders like a 'mini dictator' with total disregard to already existing laws of the state...even his father who is a Royal Highness in Isiama Afara, has seen his thrown degraded by his own people now regard Kanu as the emperor! majestically with an Israeli flag around his shoulders and red cap with Biafra hand made fan in which he use to wave the crowd...very comical and also a disgrace to the Abia people and some Igbos who still believe Biafra is achievable...SMH
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